Well yet another sun and full filled week passes. I think I can get used to this. Uni work was all done by Tuesday and so shred has been on all week. Started off with me a Limbs riding the Alex bridge banks for the first time in a while where the long legged mac daddy got his sling on. Tuesday saw a trip to see your old friend Simon who you will see in this weeks photo along with IRNBRUs chief of staff and Team 2 Sand Dune member Billy the Lad. Wednesday we the third time lucky trip to Whitlybay with the old fella where the sun was shining down and burning the back of out necks all day long. What a fun park that is, tight lines, steep quarters and difficult twists and turns. My kind of riding. Found some sweet runs which didn't make it onto this months edit as I have to many clips of me as well as to many clips over all. Even learnt a new stunt which will be popping up in the next month or two. Anyway as I said this week has been full of stunts and sun and it's been awesome and I hope there is allot more to come so the three Bs can truly start. Beers, BBQ and BMX.
The edit is all done and dusted and I think it's the best one yet however I am off to main land Europe this afternoon to see brightly coloured cars on which I might do a one off update on here for the people who might be interested.
Here is what you have all be waiting for, Steven Dawson getting right up my mate Simon.